Wednesday, 15 May 2019



taSK 2 - Write a short introduction to the post describing what you intend to achieve.  You may use the sentence at the start of the post to help you come with your own intro.

In my magaizine i intend to achieve full information on the science behind makeup and what can be found in the makeup people put in their skin, also how to keep your skin in good condition  from all the harmful products that can get put inside makeup. Also telling people the best ways you can prevent your skin from spots ect. 

I will also be showing and telling people harmful products that can be found in makeup.

TASK 3 - Create a profile for each of your models/actors including the following information:

  • Name of actor/model
  • What makes this person suitable? Why did you choose this person?

You could create a Top Trump Card kind of design or perhaps just a Powerpoint Presentation to put this information across.. Why not use Flashcards too?

E.G... Using PPT.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Wednesday 6th February 2019

Learning Objectives:
K: about the Institutions that produced and distributed Cuffs.
U: how social and cultural contexts are reflected in Cuffs.
BAT: answer exam style questions including new knowledge.
CO: summarise information from re

In your opinion, how does the extract attempt to represent a sense of "real life"?

In your answer you must:

  • Use more than 3 examples/scenes from the clip.
  • Use media language to analyse the extract.
  • Use social and cultural context in order to link the clip to realism.
  • Write a conclusion in which you state how far you agree with the social realism attempted in the clip.

The extract represents a sense of real life because when doing all the shots in the extract they film different shots of when someone is speaking to get all facial reactions in.This would make others watching get a good understanding on what is going on and how the actor feels towards the situation.

In my opinion the car shots seem to make the extract feel more real life. 
For example, in episode 1 when they was both talking in car it gave us 3 different shots of them talking with then makes me feel more involved.